This section includes information about the conditions of access and use of this website that should be known by the user. General information on, according to the purposes set out in Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
– Owner: Best Medical Diet S.L
– C.I.F.: B91823732
– Registered Office: P.I. Espaldillas C/Espaldillas Siete nº 2 41500 Alcalá de Guadaíra (Sevilla)
– E-mail:
– Telephone: 955 22 81 92
1. Conditions of access and use of this website
Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users, and implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained herein. Laboratorios Best Medical reserves the right to make, at any time, as many changes and modifications as it deems necessary to the website without prior notice.
The User guarantees the authenticity and veracity of all data provided both when filling in the registration forms and at any other subsequent time, and is responsible for updating the information provided so that it reflects their real situation The user will be responsible for the inaccuracy or lack of veracity of the information provided.
2. Obligation to make correct use of the website and its contents.
The User agrees to the correct use of the website and utilities provided in accordance with the law, this legal document, and the instructions and notices that are communicated to him/her.
The User agrees to the exclusive use of the website, and all its contents, for lawful and non-prohibited purposes, which do not infringe current legislation and/or may be harmful to the legitimate rights of Laboratorios Best Medical or any third party, and/or which may cause any damage or harm directly or indirectly.
To this effect, the User will abstain from using any of the contents of the web page for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in this Legal Document, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties or that, in any way, may damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or impede the normal use of the web, computer equipment or documents, files and all types of content stored in any computer equipment belonging to Laboratorios Best Medical, other Users or any Internet user (hardware and software).
In accordance with the law, this Legal Document, the other notices, regulations of use and instructions brought to his knowledge, the user agrees to refrain from:
– reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents, unless authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted;
– suppress, manipulate or in any way alter the copyright and other data identifying the rights reserved by Laboratorios Best Medical, the digital fingerprints or any other technical means established for their recognition. The User shall refrain from obtaining or even attempting to obtain the Contents by using means or procedures other than those which, as the case may be, have been made available for this purpose.
Users and, in general, those who intend to establish a hyperlink between their website and the website (hereinafter, the “Hyperlink”) must comply with the following conditions, always with prior authorization:
– the Hyperlink will only allow access to the home-page of the website.
– no frame will be created over the web pages of the website
– no false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications shall be made about Laboratorios Best Medical, its web pages and the Products and/or Services.
– it shall not be stated or implied that Best Medical Laboratories has authorized the Hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the services offered or made available on the web page where the Hyperlink is established.
– the web page in which the Hyperlink is established shall not contain illicit information or contents, nor shall it contain contents contrary to any third party rights.
The establishment of the Hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of a relationship between Laboratorios Best Medical, and the owner of the web page in which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by Laboratorios Best Medical, of its contents or services.
3. Industrial and intellectual property rights
The use or granting of access to the Web site does not imply the granting of any right over the trademarks, trade names or any other distinctive sign used therein.
The user may not exploit, reproduce, distribute, modify, publicly communicate, transfer, transform or use the content of the website for public or commercial purposes.
Likewise, the Contents are the intellectual property of Laboratorios Best Medical and, by virtue of what is established in this Legal Document, none of the exploitation rights or any other rights that exist or may exist over said Contents may be understood to have been transferred to the User beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the Website.
4. Duration of service
Laboratorios Best Medical does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Website When reasonably possible, Laboratorios Best Medical will give prior notice of interruptions in the operation of
Access to the website is for an indefinite period of time; however, Laboratorios Best Medical reserves the right to suspend access without prior notice to Users who, in its opinion, do not comply with the rules of use of its website and to take the appropriate legal action.
5. Exclusion of liability
Laboratorios Best Medical, excludes any liability for damages of any nature eventually derived from:
– Interruption of the operation or unavailability of access to the website.
– Privacy and security in the use of the website by the User, and/or unauthorized access by unauthorized third parties.
– The possible transmission of elements that negatively affect computer systems.
– The accuracy, completeness and timely updating of the contents of its website.
6. Legislation and jurisdiction.
The provision of the service is governed by Spanish law, being competent the Courts of Seville to which the User expressly submits.